The idea of nanotechnology was born in 1959 when physicist Richard Feynman gave a lecture exploring the idea of building things at the atomic and molecular scale.
Future Keyboard
Future Keyboard Concepts Unique and Sophisticated. Many concepts future technology designed by designer, this time Russian Marat Kudryavstev designer has a different idea of the concept of the latest communication gadgets Keyboard future.
New gadgets for 2011
Mimo’s new iMo eye9 touch screen is a bit of a strange bird. At its heart, it’s a 9 inch resistive touch screen monitor for your computing device (pretty much anything that supports USB video out).
Regretfully, I recently changed over to Google Chrome from Firefox, it was simply because I enjoyed the experience and how quick Chrome was at many aspects of web browsing compared to firefox. I do still however, have Firefox under my applications menu as a ’secondary’ browser. Firefox has certainly be very successful over the years mainly because it was one of the first to boast extensions, nonetheless I don’t think web browsers should be chosen based on which add-ons or extensions are available anymore because even Safari 5 now has this support. Here’s a useful top 10 list of extensions / add-ons from the folks over at Lifehacker, which all have a range of support for different browsers, some of my personal favourites from the list include Tab cloud, BetterGmail and LastPass. Check out the full list in the source link below.
gambarnya bagus, ngga kaya yang di nanotech.
haha, anyway, quite like the temp :)